Filmele ce`mi plac

1. Leon - Jean Reno

2.Everybody`s fine - Roberto de`Niro

3.Troy -Trailer


  1. Doar atat :)?
    Uite aici o lista bogata de filme care ar trebui sa le vezi ,sunt foarte tari :X
    1. Role Models
    2. The Hangover 1,2
    3. Never Been Kissed
    4. Road Trip Beer Pong
    5. Van Wilder 1,2,3
    6. Who`s your daddy
    7. 10 Things I Hate About You
    8. The Ugly Truth
    9. A Walk To Remember
    10. Step Up
    11. Step Up 2 Streets
    12. She's the man
    13. Lost In Translation
    14. Date Movie
    15. Two Can Play That Game
    16. Snatch
    17. Cradle 2 The Grave
    18. The Pursuit Of Happyness
    19. Green Street Huligans 1,2
    20. Surrogates
    21. Knowing
    22. I Love You Beth Cooper
    23. Spread
    24. The Butterfly Effect 1,2,3
    25. The Bucket List
    26. Virgin Territory
    27. Blood and Bone
    28. P.S. I Love You
    29. Awake
    30. Avatar
    31. My Sassy Girl
    32. Seven Pound
    33. Alfie
    34. Sex And Death 101
    35. Perfume The Story of a Murderer
    36. Killers
    37. Closer
    38. Dear John
    39. Letter to Juliet
    40. Curious case of benjamin button
    41. The Pianist
    42. Spirited Away
    43. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    44. Requiem for a Drea
    45. Street Dance
    46. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
    47. Donnie Brasco
    48. The Libertine
    49. The Ninth Gate
    50. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
    51. Remember Me
    52. Waiting for Forever
    53. Sweet November
    54. Rain man


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